Bodies in Play game jam: Bodies in X - Register Now!

January 9, 2024

Contributed by: Ethan Houghton

Bodies in Play game jam: Bodies in X series is happening later this month!

Bodies in “eXtended realities” (aka BiX) is one week of hands-on events exploring how, by combining stand-alone virtual reality and wearable technologies, we might imagine and create new embodied, playful experiences.


  • January 21-28
  • Cost: Free
  • Location: OCAD University (205 Richmond St. W, Toronto)

Spots are limited! Learn more and request your spot here before January 15. Requesting your spot is the first step in the registration process.

Bodies in Play is a partnership between OCAD University’s Social Body Lab, game:play Lab, and DMG (Dames Making Games).

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