A Message From The MBAA on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

| November 3, 2020
Submitted by Remy Gascoigne

At McMaster, and at DeGroote, we know it is important to support our diverse community. We are beginning to understand what is needed to create a culture that is committed to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). First and foremost, it is a collective responsibility, which can only be achieved through the commitment and support of our entire community.

To truly embrace this shared commitment and weave it into the fabric of our culture at DeGroote, we must not only be willing to say the words, we must lead with our actions.

As the student group that has the responsibility of representing and advocating for our MBA students, the MBA Association (MBAA) is committed to embracing EDI in everything we do, and to share these ongoing updates with you.

Earlier in October, 35 upper-year student leaders participated in EDI training, to help them learn to recognize and acknowledge bias, to enable them to mitigate the risk of it in future recruitment. We have commitment from the school in their support of this ongoing training, to ensure that EDI is a priority within student leadership education moving forward.

What happens next

To ensure that all students have equal access to leadership opportunities and activities, the MBAA is launching an EDI working group in November, to identify what is important for our students now and in the future. One of the initial priorities will be ideating new governance structures to present to the broader student population for referendum.

I’m very excited for the launch of our new EDI working group! While it would be wonderful to think DeGroote is perfect and doesn’t have a need for such a working group, I’m proud that we can admit we aren’t and instead work towards improvement. I think the results of this group will lead to a more inclusive culture where everyone feels they are treated with respect. 

– Remy Gascoigne, President, MBA Association

This is only the beginning. This critically important work is not a one-time event. The MBAA – and the broader DeGroote and McMaster community – will continue to work together to ensure that EDI is a priority in not only what we say, but in everything that we do.

If you have any questions or ideas about how the MBAA can further support you, please email mbaassn@mcmaster.ca

For more information on McMaster’s EDI Strategy, visit the Equity and Inclusion Office webpage.

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