F.O.C.U.S Week – Cultivating Creativity: Letting Go of Comparison

| October 19, 2021
Submitted by Annie Zhao for Open Circle

Mindful Mornings: Monday, October 18, 9-9:20 a.m., online
Look within for value: Begin your week with a guided mindfulness practice and a check-in on your intentions. Build a strong and grounded start to your day in the company of others. We begin with a quote, then a guided meditation, followed by an option to post a short response to a check in question. Attend any Monday that works for you.

Body Mind Spirit Circle: Tuesday, October 19, 4:30-5:20 p.m., online
Create instead of Compare: Rewrite your story of comparison. Try guided creative exercises in drawing and story writing to explore how creativity can help us let go of comparison. Discover and discuss how to take creativity into your daily life as an antidote to comparison. This group is a supportive space for sharing and listening to each other’s journeys, questions, and ideas about spirituality and authentic healthy living.

Meditation Circle: Wednesday, October 20, 12:30-1:20 p.m., online
Join us online Passcode: 451886

Gratitude as an Antidote for Envy: Do you ever compare yourself to others, watching their social media posts and wishing you could have what they have? You’re not alone; every advertisement we see encourages us to be unhappy with what we have. Through some imaginative journaling and a compassion meditation, we will move towards ending envy by cultivating its opposites: gratitude for others, sending them positive wishes, and finding joy in their good fortune. No experience necessary.

Live Awake – Outdoor Circle: Thursday, October 21, 4:30-5:20 p.m., outdoors in person

Register to receive the location, protocols, and rain plan: OpenCircle.mcmaster.ca/events

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