Becoming Yourself Series 3.0 – Wholehearted Living (Online)

| April 28, 2020
Submitted by Hardil Bhatt for McMaster Open Circle

Five week series free from cost, stress, and exams
Offered online, May 6 – June 11. Choose from Wednesdays 11:30 or Thursdays 4:30.

Enter the spring-summer term living wholeheartedly while accepting your gifts, imperfections, and areas of growth as clues to your authentic self. Practice self-compassion and mindfulness during these challenging times of uncertainty.


  • Mindfulness and self-care practices
  • Reflective exercises to discover more of who you are
  • Attention to your dreams and what they are telling you about yourself
  • Treating yourself with kindness and respect, letting go of comparison and self-criticism
  • Exploring how to say no to that which is not you
  • Struggle as a path to bravery, kindness, wisdom, and resilience
  • A chance to share ideas for authentic living with others who are asking similar questions.

The course includes weekly 50 minute online workshops with interactive group exercises, self-awareness and mindfulness practices to try at home, and an online meeting with a staff coach. You will be guided in practicing daily mindfulness exercises in your own time and submit a short weekly reflection about your experiences of these exercises.

A completion certificate will be granted for participating in the full 5 weeks and staff coaching session.

Open to all students. You do not need to have completed Series 1.0-2.0 to benefit from this Course.

Register today.

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