Bulletin Posting and Privacy Policy

This policy applies to the student bulletins at the DeGroote School of Business.

Messages submitted for the bulletins are used in more than one way:

  • The messages are posted publicly on the DeGroote website.
  • Short versions of the messages are sent to students in weekly email digests. Each excerpt includes a link to the full version of the message on the website.
  • Messages may also be used in news feeds or social media posts.

The bulletins are the only way to send students email using the official distribution lists. (Rare exceptions can be made by management in extenuating circumstances.)


  • All information submitted through the form, including the author’s name and email address, is considered public.
  • The submitter’s name and email address will be published with the message on the website.
  • No confidential information should be submitted using the form.
    • Examples: Do not post student account information, promotional codes, or passwords.

How to Submit a Message

  • Visit the submit bulletin message form on the DeGroote website.
    • The form is only available on the McMaster network. You need to be connected to the internet through a McMaster connection, or you need to use McMaster’s VPN service.
  • Note the submission deadlines.
  • Fill in the required fields, following the guidelines on the page.
  • Submit the form. Check for validation warnings.

What Happens to Your Message

  • When you submit your message, a copy is sent back to you and to the communications team.
  • The communications team reviews and edits your message.
    • The more you follow the guidelines on the form, the easier it is for the communications team to get your message ready to be posted and sent.
  • If there are any issues with the message, or if the communications team needs more information, they will contact you by email.
    • Outstanding issues may delay your message being processed and included in the bulletin.
  • The communications team posts your message on the website, and includes a short version (with a link) in the weekly email bulletin.


  • The deadline for bulletin submissions is Noon the day before the email goes out.
    • MBA student bulletin releases on Tuesday
    • PhD student bulletin releases on on Wednesday
    • Undergrad student releases on bulletin on Thursday
  • Messages that are submitted after the deadlines will be considered for the next week’s bulletin.
  • If you suspect that your message may require clarification with the communications team, submit it well ahead of the deadline.
  • In the rare case that you need to add an urgent message to a bulletin but the deadline has passed, please contact your manager.
For the months of June-July:
  • MBA Bulletin goes out weekly on Tuesdays at 4pm (Deadline = Mondays at 12 noon)
  • PhD Bulletin goes out biweekly on Wednesdays at 4pm (Deadline = Tuesdays at 12 noon)
  • UG Bulletin goes out biweekly on Thursdays at 4pm (Deadline = Wednesdays at 12 noon)
Starting in August, all student bulletins will resume their weekly release schedule.

Messages from External Sources

  • Messages from external sources (contests, businesses, other schools, outside organizations) are discouraged.
  • External messages must be submitted by a McMaster advocate, who is willing to be the contact person or go-between for the outside source. They must be approved by the marketing team ahead of release.


Questions about this policy should be directed to Katie Almas, Marketing Manager (Digital).