Student Bulletin Submission Form

The Student Experience Team communicates with students through weekly email bulletins. Messages for Undergraduate, MBA and PhD students from faculty, staff, and other DeGroote stakeholders are collected and sent out together once a week.

Weekly Deadline

The deadline for bulletin submissions is Noon (EDT) the day before the email goes out.

Program Deadline Release Date
MBA Monday at 12:00 p.m. Tuesday
PhD Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. Wednesday
Undergraduate Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. Thursday

Messages that are submitted after the deadlines will be considered for the next week’s bulletin. If you suspect that your message may require clarification with the communications team, submit it well ahead of the deadline. In the rare case that you need to add an urgent message to a bulletin but the deadline has passed, please contact Student Experience.


Messages from External Sources

Messages from external sources (contests, businesses, other schools, outside organizations) are discouraged. External messages must be submitted by a McMaster advocate, who is willing to be the contact person or go-between for the outside source.

Submit a Bulletin Request

Submission Contact Information

Please use your full name. Please do not use the name of your department.
McMaster Email(Required)
This must be a McMaster address (ending in "") and it will be published with your message, and contacted by the SE Team for questions.
If you are submitting this message on behalf of a department or organization, you can name it here. Don't submit messages on behalf of an organization unless you have permission.

Bulletin Message

The most important part of your message. The punchline. If students were only going to read this much, what would be the most important thing to say? Must be 140 characters or less.
Start with the most important information. Make your message clear and simple, but don't forget to include important details. Limited to 2000 characters (around 300 words). Remember to be professional, but friendly. If there's a link students can use to get more information or take a specific action, include the web address here.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 125 MB.
    If you have an image or PDF to share, please load it here and if approved we will add it to your bulletin post.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.