
Tag: research

News, research, and other announcements.

Benson Honig talking to Brent McKnight
January 31, 2019

Easing the Transition for Refugees and Communities

Navigating the complexities of being a refugee, Honig and McKnight seek ways to ease this transition into a new community.

December 14, 2018

DeGroote’s Erin Reid is flipping gender-based research on its head

Reid is studying “time policing” or how employers and colleagues monitor men and women’s time differently in the workplace.

July 18, 2018

Employees deserve to be treated with civility and dignity in the workplace, says DeGroote’s Aaron Schat

Schat, an expert in industrial-organizational psychology, knows how much aggression and incivility customer service workers face.

May 2, 2018

Show me, don’t tell me: Why some franchisors are more open about their financial performance

Companies that disclose financial reports to a prospective franchisee are often a high-quality investment, DeGroote researchers have found.

April 17, 2018

Fair play: Doing right by employees ultimately pays off, according to Isik Zeytinoglu

Isik Zeytinoglu’s research shows that being supportive of workers makes them healthier, more productive, and more likely to stick around.

March 9, 2018

The power of points: Alina Nastasoiu says some consumers value loyalty points more than regular currency

Nastasoiu: “I think this speaks to ... our strong desire to keep our options open.”

February 20, 2018

Why even bother trying? François Neville unpacks why some minority groups won’t seek business loans

François Neville: "Overall, there is a disconnect that needs to be addressed."

February 8, 2018

Is the customer always right? Aaron Schat looks at workplace aggression and revenge behaviours

Because the service industry is often tilted in favour of the customer, Schat says so-called “revenge” on the customer is covert.

January 22, 2018

Divergent in the workplace: Maggie Cheng looks at what pop culture can teach us about hiring

Maggie Cheng: "Are we attempting to differentiate employees based on stereotypes so that we can control them?"

January 17, 2018

Flash sale: Sourav Ray examines the ups and downs of pricing on everyday electronics

Sourav Ray: "I study how prices change, and that is always a hot topic with the public."

December 15, 2015

Online suite ‘myEXP’ offers new platform for examining mental health treatments

A new online mental health suite called myEXP, conceived by McMaster assistant professor Gillian Mulvale, may be the first of its kind.

July 15, 2015

Decades of research digitized and how students can benefit

Innis Library has digitized over 300 McMaster Business working papers. These papers date back to 1970.