Using the underground market risks more than a bad haircut
June 10, 2020 ·
Contributed by: Catherine Connelly, Professor, Human Resources and Management

No matter how scruffy you look these days, don’t get a black market haircut.
If the underground economy increases by even 10 percent, we will lose up to a billion dollars in tax revenue. A billion dollars may not stretch as far as it used to, but it could pay for almost 15,000 more nurses for our long-term care homes. Tax revenue is sorely needed now, as budget deficits reach record highs.
Read Dr. Catherine Connelly’s article about why the black market is thriving and how it endangers Canadians’ health.
About Dr. Catherine Connelly
Dr. Catherine Connelly is a professor of organizational behaviour at the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. She holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Organizational Behaviour and is a member of the College of New Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada. She is an associate editor of Human Relations. Her research focuses on the attitudes, behaviours, and experiences of non-standard workers (e.g., temporary agency workers, contractors, temporary foreign workers), the effects of leadership styles on leader well-being, and knowledge hiding in organizations.