Bulletin Email Control Page

2024-09-17 | MBA (FT)

Email Type: MBA

Bulletin Email Preview

Preview and Code

Preview the issue. To grab the code for iModules:

  • Open the preview.
  • Right-click in a blank space in the preview.
  • Click on "view source".
  • Select all the code (CTRL-A).
  • Copy the code (CTRL-C).
  • Paste the code into the custom HTML editor in iModules.
Open Preview
Bulletin Email Preview (Text)

Text Version

Get the text-only version of the email. To grab the text for iModules:

  • Open the text version.
  • Select all the text (CTRL-A).
  • Copy the text (CTRL-C).
  • Paste the text into the text-only section of the editor in iModules.
Open Text Version