Have you ever wondered what a Consultant in Tech does? How about understanding the system that many businesses use to operate, an ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning system? Curious how you can develop your tech career over time?

This series is perfect for you! Join Oracle NetSuite at our 2-day Bootcamp, open to all majors.

What’s in it for you? Get Access to Oracle NetSuite’s Online Learning Platform – “LCS Explorer Pass” and continue your learning journey.


Session 1: So, You Want to Work in Tech? – An Overview of a Tech Industry Giant and Introduction to Roles!

  • Tuesday, February 6
  • Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m. (ET)

Session 2: Who Runs the World? ERPs – Enterprise Resource Planning – The System Behind Many Businesses

  • Tuesday, February 6
  • Tim: 6:30-7:30 p.m. (ET)

Session 3: Set your Career Foundation, the Possibilities are Endless: Tips and Tricks to break into Tech Consulting

  • Friday, February 9
  • Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Register here.


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