Participants will be introduced to best-practices programming in Python to clean, analyze, and visualize financial data.
Key Topics:
- Using Python
- Develop familiarity with the Anaconda Python Distribution
- Manage environments and installing packages
- Gain familiarity with open-source Python Development Environments
- Learn how to write programs in Python and developing an understanding for data structures, functions, loops, logical operations and other programming best practices
- Data collection, cleaning, manipulation, and visualization
- Import data from various sources (e.g., CSV, Excel, HTML) into pandas (a high-performance library of data structures)
- Develop the necessary skills to clean raw financial data, and gain familiarity in overcoming common issues with numerical data
- Merge data from various sources and leverage built-in functionality to gain efficiency
- Build programs to perform exploratory data analysis using basic statistical functions
- Develop the ability to create powerful visualizations using the pandas plotting functions
Event details:
- Please note: There is a fee that must be paid to attend the workshop.
- Register through the link here to secure your spot.
- Registration deadline: Tuesday, February 4 at 11:59 p.m.
Have you got any questions? You can contact Meghan Kocon via email!