Dr. Naresh Agarwal

Professor Emeritus

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Human Resources And Management



Determinants Of The Role Orientation And Organisational Commitment Under Skill-based Pay: A Path Model

Naresh chand Agarwal    Ma Al-waqfi

Journal     2006

International Journal Of Human Resources Development And Management

Determinants Of Role Orientation And Organisational Commitment Under Skill-based Pay: A Path Model

Naresh chand Agarwal    Mohammed a Al-waqfi

Journal     2006

Int. J. Of Human Resources Development And Management

Executive Compensation: Examining An Old Issue From New Perspectives

Naresh chand Agarwal    Parbudyal Singh

Journal     2003

Compensation & Benefits Review


Organisational Rewards For A Changing Workplace: An Examination Of Theory And Practice

Naresh chand Agarwal    Parbudyal Singh

Conference    1998

International Journal Of Technology Management

Pay Equity In Canada - Current Developments

Naresh chand Agarwal

Conference    1990

Labor Law Journal