Associate Professor
Faculty, Human Resources And Management
Accounting and Financial Management
Meena Andiappan (Ph.D. Boston College) is an Associate Professor of Human Resources and Management at McMaster University. Prior to joining the DeGroote School of Business, she held faculty positions at the University of Toronto and Montpellier Business School. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Review, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, and PLOS One, amongst other outlets. Dr. Andiappan’s research focuses on the intersections of ethics, emotions, AI, and health. Her current projects include theoretical studies on healthcare workers’ moral emotions; quantitative work on jealousy, envy, and ostracism; longitudinal qualitative work on misconduct evolution; the effects on necessary evil enactment on healthcare workers; and attitudes towards AI in the workplace. She is a phenomenon-driven researcher. Dr. Andiappan has received funding for her research from numerous SSHRC grants, CIHR funding, and the University of Toronto-University of Manchester Joint Translational Centre for Digital Health. She works with scholars across Europe and North America. Her work, published in the Academy of Management Review, has been featured in AOM Insights, which translates academic findings into useful insights for managers and practitioners. Her papers and review work have won several awards at conferences such as AOM and EURAM. She regularly publishes case studies for classroom use based on her research findings. Her work has received media attention from the World Economic Forum, ScienceAlert, Zoomer,, Daily Maverick, Flipboard, Newsify (App), ScienceX, Business Insider, Knowable, and Discover magazine. Dr. Andiappan’s recent work on prosocial behaviors and mental health has received attention from various media morning shows, such as Global News and CBC Radio’s Fresh Air, where she provided interviews reaching audiences across Canada. Dr. Andiappan also holds a cross appointment at the Institute for Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation within the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
Ekaterina Nastina Meena Andiappan Andrew Miles Laura Upenieks Christos Orfanidis
The Journal Of Social Psychology
Lucas Dufour Meena Andiappan Arnaud Banoun
Ssm - Qualitative Research In Health
Babatunde Ogunfowora Meena Andiappan Madelynn Stackhouse Christianne Varty
Journal Of Organizational Behavior
Morgan Davidson Meena Andiappan
Health Services Management Research