Professor Emeritus
Faculty, Health Policy And Management
Dr. Longo has over 25 years’ experience in clinical research, economic evaluation and access strategies for pharmaceuticals. He has published clinical, economic, and policy research in a number of therapeutic areas including: cancer, diabetes, sepsis, and mental health disorders. He teaches courses in health economics and population health at McMaster, as well as a 5-week module on health economics in public health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto (2009-2016). Longo’s research has examined the economics of cancer and diabetes, economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals, global pharmaceutical pricing strategies, the public/private mix in the financing of healthcare, and the evaluation of factors influencing patients’ financial burden for health care services. Although still interested in these issues and how they relate to the healthcare system and its end users, he has refocused his research agenda. His current research examines the costs and economic evaluation of interventions/programs throughout the cancer journey, with the intent of informing policy decision making.
Jennifer m Jones Doris Howell Christopher Longo Karin Olson Philippe Bedard Eitan Amir Shiyu Zheng Brittany Chow Lisa Avery
Journal Of Cancer Survivorship
Gracia Mabaya Jenna Evans Christopher Longo Andrew m Morris
Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Mi Fitch F Strohschein L Newton I Nicoll G Lockwood C Loiselle Christopher Longo L Fitch
Journal Of Geriatric Oncology
Christopher Longo Tuhin Maity Margaret i Fitch Jesse t Young
Current Oncology
Group Acupuncture Is More Cost-effective Than Individual Acupuncture For Treating Cancer-related Pain
Devesh v Oberoi Christopher Longo Erica n Reed Jessa Landmann Katherine-ann l Piedalue Linda e Carlson
Annals Of Behavioral Medicine
A Systematic Review Of Non-interventional Studies Reporting On Humanistic And Economic Burden Of Cognitive Decline In Multiple Sclerosis Patients Regardless Of Study Design
C Wakeford Bg Bereza Christopher Longo Tr Einarson
European Journal Of Neurology
Competency Development To Meet Rural And Remote Mental Health Needs: A Case Study Of Child And Youth Mental Health Policy In Yukon, Canada
Gillian mary Mulvale S Kutcher M Fast J Winkup Glen Randall Patricia Wakefield Christopher Longo
Journal Of Mental Health Policy And Economics
An Analysis Of Mental Health Program Funding For Child And Youth In The Canadian Yukon Territory
Christopher Longo Gillian mary Mulvale S Kutcher M Fast J Winkup
Journal Of Mental Health Policy And Economics