Assistant Professor
Faculty, Strategic Management
I am an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. I am also a Nonresident Research Fellow at the Global Economy and Development program of the Brookings Institution (Washington, DC). Before joining McMaster, I worked as David M. Rubenstein Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution. I hold a PhD in Economics and a Master of Science degree in Environmental Economics and Policy. My research interest is on enterprise sustainability broadly defined, covering the intersection of business strategy/entrepreneurship an social/environmental issues. At McMaster, I teach 4th year undergraduate courses in Sustainability and International Business.
Constance Dumalanède Giacomo Ciambotti Addisu Lashitew
Business & Society
Addisu Lashitew Youqing Mu
Climate Policy
Addisu Lashitew Oana Branzei Rob Van tulder
Journal Of Management Studies
Giacomo Ciambotti Helen Haugh Addisu Lashitew Christian Busch David Littlewood Margot Leger Philip james O'donnell Diane l Holt Ralph Hamann Annika Surmeier Constance Dumalanède
Academy Of Management Proceedings
Addisu Lashitew Michael l Ross Eric Werker
Addisu Lashitew Michael l Ross Eric Werker