Dr. Gillian Mary Mulvale


Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Health Policy And Management


Dr. Gillian Mulvale is Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management at the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. She is a member of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA) and the Michael G. DeGroote Health Leadership Academy and McMaster's Co-Design Hub involving Structurally Vulnerable Populations. Dr. Mulvale completed a B.A. in economics at University of Waterloo, an M.A. in Economics at Western University, and her Ph.D. in Health Research Methodology at McMaster University. Dr. Mulvale promotes person and family-centred health and social care by developing health policy and management frameworks to improve care coordination across health professions, sectors, and life stages. She frequently employs participatory approaches such as Experience-Based Co-Design, to involve policy-advisors, health system managers, service providers, patients, and families to co-design service improvements. Dr. Mulvale is lead of the CoPro2022 Symposium Series to advance a new era of equity-based co-design and coproduction. Dr. Mulvale and her team won a Davey Gold Award for developing a suite of smartphone and web applications called myEXP that capture experiences of youth with mental disorders, family members and service providers in real time for quality improvement, through an Ontario Early Research Award.





Coproduction In Social Prescribing Initiatives: Protocol For A Scoping Review

Madeline Dougherty    Tamara Tompkins    Elaine Zibrowski    Jesse Cram    Maureen c Ashe    Le-tien Bhaskar    Kiffer george Card    Christina Godfrey    Paul Hebert    Ron Lacombe    Caitlin Muhl    Kate Mulligan    Gillian mary Mulvale    Michelle la Nelson    Myrna Norman    Bobbi Symes    Gary Teare    Vivian Welch    Anita Kothari

Journal     2024

Jmir Research Protocols

Adopting, Implementing And Assimilating Coproduced Health And Social Care Innovations Involving Structurally Vulnerable Populations: Findings From A Longitudinal, Multiple Case Study Design In Canada, Scotland And Sweden

Gillian mary Mulvale    Jenn Green    Glenn Robert    Michael Larkin    Nicoline Vackerberg    Sofia Kjellström    Puspita Hossain    Esther Lim    Shioma-lei Craythorne

Journal     2024

Health Research Policy And Systems


Designing In Highly Contentious Areas: Perspectives On A Way Forward For Mental Healthcare Transformation

Daniela Sangiorgi    Michelle Farr    Sarah Mcallister    Gillian mary Mulvale    Martha Sneyd    Josina elizabeth Vink    Laura Warwick

Conference    2019

The Design Journal

Experience Mapping The Transition From Child To Adult Mental Health Services: Perspectives Of Youth, Family Members, And Service Providers

Ashleigh Miatello    Gillian mary Mulvale    Christina Roussakis

Conference    2018

International Journal Of Qualitative Methods