Dr. Nick Bontis

Associate Professor / Area Chair, Strategic Management

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Strategic Management

Area Chair

Strategic Management


Dr. Nick Bontis is Chair, Strategic Management at the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. He received his Ph.D. from the Ivey Business School at Western University. He is the first McMaster professor to win Outstanding Teacher of the Year and Faculty Researcher of the Year simultaneously. He is a 3M National Teaching Fellow, an exclusive honour only bestowed upon the top university professors in Canada. He is recognized the world over as a leading professional speaker and management consultant. Dr. Bontis' research expertise pertains to intellectual capital, knowledge management, organizational learning, knowledge worker productivity, human capital benchmarking, and structural equation modelling. He is ranked among the top 10 management researchers in Canada by Research.com and listed among the top 2% of all world scientists. Several independent bibliometric reviews have Dr. Bontis ranked among the top knowledge management researchers of all time. He has won several best paper awards and has authored among the most cited articles in several academic journals. Google Scholar ranks Dr. Bontis as the #1 most impactful researcher by citation count in the DeGroote School of Business and among the top 30 in all of McMaster University. Dr. Bontis has published several books including the best-seller "Information Bombardment: Rising above the digital onslaught" which is in its fourth edition. He has over 140 academic publications in peer-reviewed journals with over 45,000 citations. He has published 10 teaching cases, and has amassed over 328 published interviews, 201 radio interviews and 455 TV interviews. Dr. Bontis has been invited to deliver over 500 keynote presentations in 25 countries. Dr. Bontis teaches the capstone Business Policy and Strategic Management course in the undergraduate program. He also teaches Digital Transformation in the EMBA program and Knowledge Management in the MBA program. He has won over a dozen teaching awards including the 3M National Teaching Fellow, OCUFA, OUSA, TVO and several faculty awards. Maclean's Magazine has rated Dr. Bontis as McMaster University's most popular professor six times.





Analyzing The Effects Of Knowledge Management On Organizational Performance Through Knowledge Utilization And Sustainability

Nick Bontis    Vladimir Dzenopoljac    Aleksandra Dzenopoljac    Faezeh Mohaghegh    Halil Zaim

Journal     2024

Knowledge And Process Management

Integrating Knowledge Management With Intellectual Capital To Drive Strategy: A Focus On Italian Smes

Nick Bontis    Massimo Ciambotti    Daniele Giampaoli    Francesca Sgrò

Journal     2024

Vine Journal Of Information And Knowledge Management Systems

Understanding The Drivers Of Organizational Business Performance From The Human Capital Perspective

A mohammed Abubakar    Nick Bontis    Alexander Serenko

Journal     2024

Knowledge And Process Management


Information Technology Issues In Canada

Nick Bontis    Prashant Palvia    Alexander Serenko    Aykut hamit Turan


Use Of Mobile Devices For Wireless Data Services Questionnaire

Nick Bontis    Constantinos k Coursaris    Khaled Hassanein    Milena m Head


An Application Of The Knowledge Management Maturity Model: The Case Of Credit Unions

Nick Bontis    Emily Hull    Alexander Serenko

Conference    2014

Amcis 2014 Proceedings

Examining The Transfer Of Academic Knowledge To Business Practitioners: Doctoral Program Graduates As Intermediaries

Nick Bontis    A Green    Madora Moshonsky    Alexander Serenko

Conference    2013

Proceedings Of The 10th International Conference On Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management And Organisational Learning (icickm-2013)