Associate Professor / Director of the PhD Program / University Scholar
Faculty, Human Resources And Management
Human Resources and Management
Trish Ruebottom is an associate professor of Human Resources & Management and Acting PhD Program Director at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. Her research focuses on the transgression of social norms - as a way of being, a source of value, and a force for change. She has explored this dynamic in a wide range of contexts: entrepreneurship and community in the sex industry, gender activism in post-civil war Libya, a rock concert for social change, and businesses rooted in voyeurism; she has also examined the discursive, temporal and emotional forces maintaining the status quo in the media, the clean tech sector, the finance industry, and in everyday work. In doing so, her research struggles with the tension between our need for social norms and our desire to be free of them. She is interested in the experiences of misfits, outsiders and dissenters, how they come together, organize, and create new worlds, and what this tells us about the nature of being human. Her work has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Human Relations, and Journal of Business Venturing.
Sean Buchanan Trish Ruebottom Suhaib Riaz
Academy Of Management Discoveries
Javid Nafari Trish Ruebottom
International Small Business Journal Researching Entrepreneurship
Trish Ruebottom Madeline Toubiana
Organization Studies
Trish Ruebottom Gry Espedal Jose alexandre Bento da silva John matthew Amis Matthew Kraatz Venus Sharma Madeline Toubiana Antonino Vaccaro
Academy Of Management Proceedings