Associate Professor
Faculty, Health Policy And Management
Health Policy and Management
S. Amy Sommer completed a Post Doctoral Fellowship at Harvard University, and a PhD at Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario. She specializes in teams and leadership in healthcare management. Her research investigates how to enhance performance, resilience, and creativity during crisis situations. In order to advance theoretical understanding of this complex phenomena, she is exploring and developing new research methods to study leaders and teams, including crowdsourcing science for large-scale data collection and data analytics. Her research appears in a number of top scholarly journals, including Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, The Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, Nature Scientific Data, and Group and Organization Management. She has received honours and awards, including funding from three federal governments and various universities. She has worked with students across programs and continents in undergraduate, MBA, masters, PhD and executive levels at the University of Southern California, Columbia University, West Point Military Academy, and HEC Paris School of Management. Available to supervisor doctoral students.
Kenneth t Goh Colin m Fisher S. amy Sommer
Small Group Research
Martin Schweinsberg Michael Feldman Nicola Staub Olmo r Van den akker Robbie cm Van aert Marcel alm Van assen Yang Liu Tim Althoff Jeffrey Heer Alex Kale Zainab Mohamed Hashem Amireh Vaishali venkatesh Prasad Abraham Bernstein Emily Robinson Kaisa Snellman S. amy Sommer Sarah mg Otner David Robinson Nikhil Madan Raphael Silberzahn Pavel Goldstein Warren Tierney Toshio Murase Benjamin Mandl Domenico Viganola Carolin Strobl Catherine bc Schaumans Stijn Kelchtermans Chan Naseeb S mason Garrison Tal Yarkoni Cs richard Chan Prestone Adie Paulius Alaburda Casper Albers Sara Alspaugh Jeff Alstott Andrew a Nelson Eduardo ariño De la rubia Adbi Arzi Št?pán Bahník Jason Baik Laura winther Balling Sachin Banker David aa Baranger Dale j Barr Brenda Barros-rivera Matt Bauer Enuh Blaise Lisa Boelen Katerina bohle Carbonell Robert a Briers Oliver Burkhard Miguel-angel Canela Laura Castrillo Timothy Catlett Olivia Chen Michael Clark Brent Cohn Alex Coppock Natàlia Cugueró-escofet Paul g Curran Wilson Cyrus-lai David Dai Giulio valentino dalla Riva Henrik Danielsson Rosaria De f.s.m. russo Niko De silva Curdin Derungs Frank Dondelinger Carolina duarte De souza B tyson Dube Marina Dubova Ben mark Dunn Peter adriaan Edelsbrunner Sara Finley Nick Fox Timo Gnambs Yuanyuan Gong Erin Grand Brandon Greenawalt Dan Han Paul hp Hanel Antony b Hong David Hood Justin Hsueh Lilian Huang Kent n Hui Keith a Hultman Azka Javaid Lily ji Jiang Jonathan Jong Jash Kamdar David Kane Gregor Kappler Erikson Kaszubowski Christopher m Kavanagh Madian Khabsa Bennett Kleinberg Jens Kouros Heather Krause Angelos-miltiadis Krypotos Dejan Lavbi? Rui ling Lee Timothy Leffel Wei yang Lim Silvia Liverani Bianca Loh Dorte Lønsmann Jia wei Low Alton Lu Kyle Macdonald Christopher r Madan Lasse hjorth Madsen Christina Maimone Alexandra Mangold Adrienne Marshall Helena ester Matskewich Kimia Mavon Katherine l Mclain Amelia a Mcnamara Mhairi Mcneill Ulf Mertens David Miller Ben Moore Andrew Moore Eric Nantz Ziauddin Nasrullah Valentina Nejkovic Colleen s Nell Andrew arthur Nelson Gustav Nilsonne Rory Nolan Christopher e O'brien Patrick O'neill Kieran O'shea Toto Olita Jahna Otterbacher Diana Palsetia Bianca Pereira Ivan Pozdniakov John Protzko Jean-nicolas Reyt Travis Riddle Amal ridhwan omar Ali Ivan Ropovik Joshua m Rosenberg Stephane Rothen Michael Schulte-mecklenbeck Nirek Sharma Gordon Shotwell Martin Skarzynski William Stedden Victoria Stodden Martin a Stoffel Scott Stoltzman Subashini Subbaiah Rachael Tatman Paul h Thibodeau Sabina Tomkins Ana Valdivia Gerrieke b druijff-van De woestijne Laura Viana Florence Villesèche W duncan Wadsworth Florian Wanders Krista Watts Jason d Wells Christopher e Whelpley Andy Won Lawrence Wu Arthur Yip Casey Youngflesh Ju-chi Yu Arash Zandian Leilei Zhang Chava Zibman Eric luis Uhlmann
Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes
R Silberzahn El Uhlmann Dp Martin P Anselmi F Aust E Awtrey Š Bahník F Bai C Bannard E Bonnier R Carlsson F Cheung G Christensen R Clay Ma Craig A dalla Rosa L Dam Mh Evans I flores Cervantes N Fong M Gamez-djokic A Glenz S Gordon-mckeon Tj Heaton K Hederos M Heene Aj hofelich Mohr F Högden K Hui M Johannesson J Kalodimos E Kaszubowski Dm Kennedy R Lei Ta Lindsay S Liverani Cr Madan D Molden E Molleman Rd Morey Lb Mulder Br Nijstad Ng Pope B Pope Jm Prenoveau F Rink E Robusto H Roderique A Sandberg E Schlüter Fd Schönbrodt Mf Sherman S. amy Sommer K Sotak S Spain C Spörlein T Stafford L Stefanutti S Tauber J Ullrich M Vianello E-j Wagenmakers M Witkowiak S Yoon Ba Nosek
Advances In Methods And Practices In Psychological Science
Deanna m Kennedy Lisa t Stickney S. amy Sommer
Academy Of Management Proceedings
Academy Of Management Proceedings
M travis Maynard Deanna m Kennedy S. amy Sommer Ana margarida Passos
Kenneth t Goh Colin m Fisher S. amy Sommer
Academy Of Management Proceedings
Raphael Silberzahn Eric luis Uhlmann Daniel patrick Martin Pasquale Anselmi Frederik Aust Eli c Awtrey Št?pán Bahník Feng Bai Colin Bannard Evelina Bonnier Rickard Carlsson Felix Cheung Garret Christensen Russ Clay Maureen a Craig Anna Dalla rosa Lammertjan Dam Mathew h Evans Ismael Flores cervantes Nathan Fong Monica Gamez-djokic Andreas Glenz Shauna Gordon-mckeon Tim Heaton Karin hederos Eriksson Moritz Heene Alicia Hofelich mohr Fabia Högden Kent Hui Magnus Johannesson Jonathan Kalodimos Erikson Kaszubowski Deanna marie Kennedy Ryan Lei Thomas andrew Lindsay Silvia Liverani Christopher r Madan Daniel c Molden Eric Molleman Richard donald Morey Laetitia b Mulder Bernard a Nijstad Bryson Pope Nolan g Pope Jason m Prenoveau Floor Rink Egidio Robusto Hadiya Roderique Anna Sandberg Elmar Schlueter Felix S Martin f Sherman S. amy Sommer Kristin lee Sotak Seth m Spain Christoph Spo?rlein Tom Stafford Luca Stefanutti Susanne Täuber Johannes Ullrich Michelangelo Vianello Eric-jan Wagenmakers Maciej Witkowiak Sangsuk Yoon Brian a Nosek