Faculty, Human Resources And Management
Dr. Baba specializes in management theory, evidence-based management, development management, management skill development and management training in the developing world. He has been a consultant to the Canadian International Development Agency, International Development Research Centre, and Swedish International Development Agency, to mention a few. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences serves on the editorial boards of more than half a dozen journals including the Journal of Organizational Behavior. His publications cover management theory, evidence-based management, work attitudes, employee well being, stress, depression, burnout, absenteeism, and turnover.
David Oldenburger Mary Crea-arsenio Raisa Deber Vishwanath Baba
Prehospital And Disaster Medicine
David Oldenburger Andrea Baumann Mary Crea-arsenio Vishwanath Baba Raisa Deber
Prehospital And Disaster Medicine
Saif ud Din Vishwanath Baba
South Asian Journal Of Business Studies
David Oldenburger Raisa Deber Vishwanath Baba
Healthcare Policy | Politiques De Santé
Burnout And Shift Work Rotation: Absence And Proactive Personality As Moderators
Vishwanath Baba Dilek Nayir Louise Tourigny
International Journal Of Psychology
Tr Lituchy L Tourigny Vishwanath Baba Si Monserrat W Xiaoyun
Does Diversity Really Matter For Team Innovation: A Meta-analysis
Hong Liu Vishwanath Baba J Gao Jz Li Y Cheng Xl Fu
Proceedings Of Academy Of Innovation And Entrepreneurship 2010
Shift Work, Stress, And Employee Well-being: A Meta-analytic Investigation
Mark Skowronski Vishwanath Baba
International Journal Of Psychology