Dr. Yao Yao

Assistant Professor

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Human Resources And Management


Yao Yao is an Assistant Professor of Human Resources and Management Area at the DeGroote School of Business. Her research focuses on the digital transformation of work, with a particular interest in professional occupations. For example, she has studied lawyers providing legal services in an Uber-like online labour platforms and the HRM profession under the influence of analytics and AI. She is interested in how digitalization creates tensions with professional occupations' existing structures and norms, as well as how workers, as individuals and collectives, make sense of and cope with these tensions. In addition, Yao is interested in unions and worker collectives in the evolving technological landscape. Her work has been published in leading journals such as the British Journal of Industrial Relations and Journal of Professions and Organizations. Her research has been featured in Forbes and the LSE Business Review, and has received awards from Labour and Employment Relations Association (LERA) and the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA). Dr. Yao holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resources from the University of Toronto. Prior to that, she studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science and at Renmin University of China.



Where Rookies Prevail: Digital Habitus And Age?based Earnings Differentials In Online Legal Services

Yao Yao    Sida Liu

Journal     2025

British Journal Of Industrial Relations

A Game Of Reciprocity? The Effect Of Leader–follower Moqi Congruence On Task Performance

Qi Zhang    Xingshan Zheng    Yao Yao    Francisca nm Dube

Journal     2023

Personnel Review

One Foot In The Online Gig Economy: Coping With A Splitting Professional Identity

Yao Yao

Journal     2022

Journal Of Professions And Organization

Do Local Union Strategies Explain The (unexpected) Union Pay Premium In China?

Yao Yao    Morley Gunderson

Journal     2021

International Journal Of Manpower