Dr. Lilian Chan

Professor Emeritus

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Accounting And Financial Management


Professor Chan is the Founding Director of the Graduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy program which prepares graduates of McMaster University's Commerce/MBA programs for the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) certification program. Her research examines the interrelationship between goal-setting as an impression management tactic, management control practices and performance improvement. She also studies the impact of the matching form of contingency fit between executive incentive compensation and strategy on firm performance. Her teaching focuses on the use of management accounting information in strategic development and decision making.



Dory & Nemo Early Learning Center

Yee-ching lilian Chan

Journal     2019

Accounting Perspectives

Target?setting, Pay For Performance, And Quality Improvement: A Case Study Of Ontario Hospitals’ Quality?improvement Plans

Yee-ching lilian Chan    Sylvia hsingwen Hsu

Journal     2019

Canadian Journal Of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L Administration

What Questions Do Board Members In Public Service Organizations Ask About Executive Compensation?

Chris Bart    Yee-ching lilian Chan    Kiridaran Kanagaretnam

Journal     2014

Corporate Board Role Duties And Composition

Measuring The Quality Of A Childhood Cancer Care Delivery System: Quality Indicator Development

         Nicole me Bradley    Yee-ching lilian Chan    Mark l Greenberg    Corin m Greenberg    Paula d Robinson

Journal     2013

Value In Health


Therapeutic Relationships

    Yee-ching lilian Chan    Cheryl Forchuk    Elsabeth Jensen