Days of Life with Declan
May 16, 2021 ·
Contributed by: Declan Ingram-Walsh, BCom Level I

Declan’s Days of Life of his first year at DeGroote is all about supporting others, developing a solid work ethic, and being grateful
Describe acts of generosity you have observed throughout your days of life at DeGroote.
A pleasant act of generosity that I saw take place this academic year at DeGroote took place in my first-year accounting course. Towards the end of the fall semester, our class was surprised to discover that our final exam became optional to write during a regular early Monday morning lecture. This generous act from the faculty relieved so much stress for many students during such an odd time entering our first year in university. I went from being a sleepy student preparing to take notes for the lecture to almost jumping out of my seat when I heard that the final exam was optional!
What does education with purpose mean to you in your days of life?
Learning with a purpose means that a student becomes educated and develops essential skills that apply to their future work. For many students, our four or so years at university pass by quickly, and we have a responsibility to develop a skill set that will be of value to an employer. I have begun to orient my education goals here at DeGroote around data management and computer programming. I can develop a valuable skillset to land in a growing industry in the business world. As students enter the most productive years in their lives, it is important not to waste time learning and sharpen these business skills.
Talk about one person you’re supporting right now. How are you doing that?
At the moment, I am supporting my little brother. Currently, he is in his last year of secondary school, preparing to decide which university to select for his studies. It has been a very stressful time for him because almost half his high school years have been behind a screen instead of inside a classroom. I’ve taken some time each day to get active with him, often going to local parks to play whatever sport we feel like doing. On top of that, I have helped him navigate his way through the university application processes that he has been busy with the past few months. I am always ready for the odd calculus question he may ask from his homework. I am very proud of what he has accomplished during such difficult times as he has received offers from all the universities he has applied to.
Who has qualities that you aspire to develop in your days of life?
I want to develop the same qualities that my father shares. He is a man of many trades, with the skills and knowledge to fix anything he put his hands on, like building a beautiful classical guitar that he can play. On top of that, he has a work ethic that I wish to strive for and has always taken the time to coach mine and my brother’s hockey teams since we were children. I could always turn to him if I needed help with a complex math homework problem or if I needed his opinion on any life-related question. I hope that I will show the same love to my own children one day when I become a father as he did with me.
Cite one thing that’s made you feel rooted in the last few days/months.
My girlfriend has made me feel rooted throughout my entire first year at DeGroote. She had always reassured me whenever I began to doubt myself or became neck deep in assignments and exams. She even helped me with some of the past days in the life issues, often being the one behind the camera taking the photos. Jillian called me every night during the year so we could talk and catch up with each other, ensuring that the stay-at-home orders felt less lonely for the two of us. I am very grateful to have her beside me as I finish my first year at university.