“The research themes covered by our faculty are diverse, leading-edge, and often interdisciplinary,” says Khaled Hassanein, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research. From left: Jiaping Qiu, Erin Reid, Yun Zhou, Brent McKnight, François Neville, Katya Malinova, Len Waverman, Manaf Zargoush, and Hassanein.
DeGroote faculty are known for consistently being published in leading academic journals.
What’s more, the School is a mainstay on the Financial Times‘ Top 50 (FT50) journals list. The latter is seen as an important benchmark of academic success, denoting that one’s research has received a nod of approval from a top peer-reviewed academic journal.
The annual list includes publications such as Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management, Production and Operations Management, and The Review of Financial Studies.
Seven DeGroote professors were recognized for this achievement by DeGroote on May 31. The group includes Jiaping Qiu, Erin Reid, Yun Zhou, Brent McKnight, François Neville, Katya Malinova, and Manaf Zargoush.
To mark their success, Len Waverman, Dean, DeGroote School of Business, and Khaled Hassanein, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, hosted an intimate and engaging luncheon. Anna Danielova, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Accreditation, was also on hand.
In total, the collective was recognized for seven new FT50 publications that span the Human Resources and Management, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Health Policy and Management, and Finance and Business Economics Faculty Areas within the DeGroote School of Business.
“The research themes covered by our faculty are diverse, leading-edge, and often interdisciplinary,” says Hassanein.
According to Hassanein, the group’s work enhances our understanding of how individuals strive to find time within their work schedules for themselves; the manner in which a spouse views their partner’s career; board independence and corporate misconduct; fixed and variable transaction costs; optimal distinctiveness among new ventures; risk-adjusted therapy for patients with hypertension; and bankruptcies in the context of organized labour.
“While these respected researchers were recognized for their outstanding accomplishment of publishing in journals on the FT50 list, many other faculty members have published in leading journals outside of that list,” he adds. “Their contributions are incredibly valuable, too.”
At DeGroote, research programs and educational courses are conducted in eight distinct Faculty Areas.
Each emphasizes fundamental theories and current issues in its field. Faculty members are highly-cited and regularly publish in top journals. Collaboration with leading industry partners ensures DeGroote research is relevant, and that student learning is aligned with professional practice.
Want to learn more about research at DeGroote? Click here.
Want to read or write in an FT50 publication? McMaster University Library subscribes to all 50 titles in the Financial Times list! To access the titles and to learn more about submitting papers to these publications, check out this guide: https://libguides.mcmaster.ca/ft-top50