In The News: New Restaurant in Westdale Offering Subscription Service for Food
August 23, 2023 ·
Contributed by: Samantha Lawson, CHCH News

Food based subscription services are nothing new, but a new restaurant in Hamilton is now trying out the model, offering discounted food prices on burgers and pizza.
People can subscribe to grocery delivery services and streaming services, and now Hamiltonians have the option to subscribe to a restaurant called Matamak, located in the Westdale area.
Brent McKnight from McMaster University says there’s a lot of potential for this niche business given it’s proximity to a school.
But it comes down to the volume of customers and reoccurring revenue streams.
“When you have really low prices, that means you have to make up your profit and margins which would be small on each individual sale by selling a lot more of a particular item,” McKnight said.
He says it’s important for this business to hone in on community building to make people feel part of club and feel more inclined to use their membership more regularly.