How DeGroote is helping local businesses during the pandemic
May 22, 2020 ·
Contributed by: Rebecca Hull, Marketing and Communications Strategist

In the age of constant disruption and rapid change, businesses need to build resilience through knowledge. DeGroote equips students and partners with the knowledge and tools necessary to address societal challenges. DeGroote faculty, alumni, and ambassadors are applying their business knowledge to help local businesses respond to the challenges brought on by the pandemic through the following:
Ask a DeGroote Expert webinars
The Ask a DeGroote Expert webinars were developed in partnership with the Hamilton and Burlington Chambers of Commerce, whose memberships include more than 2,000 local small business owners. These events were hosted online on May 5 and 13 and offered tips from professors in marketing, operations management, HR, and entrepreneurship.
Small Business Portal
The Ask an Expert online advisement portal launched in May to provide free one-on-one business advice to local small business owners. This service is available now and open to all local entrepreneurs.
Knowledge Labs series
DeGroote has recently launched a series called Knowledge Labs. This series features experts sharing their insights on business, research, teaching, and community-building – especially in health care management and digital innovation. Much of their work has focused on disruption in business, a topic with special relevance during this pandemic. The Knowledge Labs series is available through a variety of channels: web articles, webinars, and an In the Know video playlist.
Signature events
Special guests are donating their expertise and time at DeGroote virtual signature events. The upcoming webinar on May 27 features Adam Felesky, CEO and co-founder of Portag3 Ventures, a venture capital investment firm, and McMaster alumnus. Adam will discuss how the epidemic is impacting venture capital, the challenges and opportunities it brings, and how actions taken now will impact future success.
We reinforce community-building in all our interactions. We are committed to providing our community with the practical skills, compassion, and support they need to thrive,” said Dean Leonard Waverman. “DeGroote believes in preparing individuals for the new digital reality. We will continue to work together to shift to this new virtual and knowledge-based world.