Message from President David Farrar following gender-based attack at the University of Waterloo
June 30, 2023 ·
Contributed by: Message from President David Farrar following gender-based attack at the University of Waterloo

McMaster stands united with our colleagues and students at the University of Waterloo after an act of gender-based violence that has shaken their campus and all of us who stand together against any form of hate, discrimination or violence.
Our commitment to support every member of our community is critical given the rising hate crimes in Canada against Two-Spirit, queer, Transgender, and non-binary communities and the hate motivated-nature of this most recent attack.
It is more important than ever that we are united in fostering an inclusive, safe and welcoming environment for everyone at McMaster and in our broader communities. That includes the importance of teaching these topics and working towards ending hate in all its forms.
Please reach out for assistance if you need support. Links to various supports are included below. We are here to help.
Although Pride month ends this week, McMaster will continue to fly the Pride flag in support of all members of our community.
David Farrar, President and Vice-Chancellor
- The Student Wellness Centre at McMaster provides mental health resources, counselling appointments, and crisis support.
- The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office provides inclusive and trauma-informed response and support for all members of the campus community who are affected by gender-based violence.
- Indigenous Student Services offers mental wellness support, personal counselling, group wellness workshops, therapeutic groups and referrals to other resources.
- LGBT Youth Line for off-campus support
Faculty and staff can find support through McMaster’s Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) via Telus Health through their website, app or by phone by calling 1-833-366-4544, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to book appointments, or access any EFAP service.
If you have immediate safety concerns for yourself or others on McMaster’s campus, call campus security at 905-522-4135 or dial 88 from any on-campus phone in the event of an emergency.
For support during a mental health crisis in Hamilton, please call COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team) at 905-972-8338 at any time.