MBA FT Class of 2024 Individual Achievement Award

January 29, 2024

Contributed by: Christopher Longtin

Nominations are currently being accepted for the MBA FT Class of 2024 Individual Achievement Award.


This peer-nominated award recognizes a member of the MBA FT graduating class who has demonstrated excellence in leadership and added value to the overall MBA experience while being an excellent ambassador for DeGroote.


To be eligible for the award, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate must be a graduating MBA student in good standing within the Full-Time stream.

How to Submit Nominations:

Submit your nominations here before Monday, February 19.

Please be sure to include:

  • Nominator Name
  • Two Seconders
  • Candidate’s Resume
  • Supporting Materials

Winners will be announced in March and invited to the Winter term Awards celebration.

Nominations for the Co-op MBA Class of 2025 Individual Achievement Award will be collected in the Fall term and celebrated at the MBA Formal.

Specific reasons a candidate should be considered:

  • Contribution through leadership in MBA Association activities
  • Contribution through leadership in School of Business activities
  • Contribution through leadership in McMaster University activities
  • Contributions made by the individual in promoting a positive student experience both inside
    and outside the classroom
  • Contribution made as a DeGroote ambassador on-campus and off-campus
  • Other

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