Money101 Series: Investing Basics Workshop

January 30, 2024

Contributed by: Bani Rafeh

Investing and savings is the cornerstone of wealth management. Join this workshop to learn about investment basics including the types of investment vehicles – such as GIC’s, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Stocks, ETF, where to invest – financial institutions for investing and savings, investment platforms, and the difference between a registered and non-registered account.

In addition, we will review the benefits of major registered savings accounts such as the first-time home buyers account, registered retirement savings accounts, high interest savings accounts and the tax-free savings account. You will learn the secret of compounding interest over time that builds wealth.


  • Tuesday, February 27
  • 6:00-7:00 p.m.
  • Location: GH 110
  • Register on OSCARplus. Registration is kindly required.

Pizza will be served – please arrive early.

If you have an accommodation need for an event/planned meeting, please email sscevent@mcmaster.ca. Should you require any materials sent in an alternate/accessible format, please advise.

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