Need a letter of degree completion?

December 12, 2023

Contributed by: Carolyn & Guillermo

Congratulations on your completing your MBA!

Students that require a letter of degree completion for immigration or employment purposes may submit this request after all final grades have been posted to their student record.

  • Faculty are asked to submit final grades in Mosaic 5 days following the last class or final exam where possible (these may be delayed due to the volume of assignments requiring grading).
  • Once submitted, all grades are carefully reviewed and approved by the Faculty Area Chair, MBA Program Director and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies before they are considered official. Once approved, grades are posted to Mosaic by staff at the School of Graduate Studies on main campus.
  • The Student Experience Office reviews the status of grade submissions daily and pushes them to the next step. Typically, students can expect to have all final grades available early in the new year – sometimes earlier.
    • Note that McMaster University is closed from Friday, December 22 to Wednesday, January 3.
  • When you see all of your grades available in Mosaic (not A2L), please email askmba@mcmaster.ca with your student number, requesting a letter of completion. We will do a complete review of your student record to confirm degree eligibility and provide the letter to you electronically within 2 business days.

Official transcripts are provided through the Office of the Registrar and can be ordered through Mosaic Student Centre. Details can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

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