The DeGroote Pantry and Professional Closet - What is it?

May 28, 2024

Contributed by: Devon Houston

Have you ever paused to ponder the purpose of the bold, white closet in the RJC Atrium en route to the Cafe? Well, allow us to introduce you to DeGroote’s Pantry and Professional Closet. Hearing the many voices of our diverse community, we identified a pressing need at DeGroote for both clothing and food assistance. With this, we embarked on a mission to provide support.

Our guiding principle is simple: Take when you need and give when you can. The success of our Pantry relies on the spirit of paying it forward.

Currently, our Pantry is well-stocked with non-perishable food items, meticulously checked for expiration dates and freshness on a regular basis. Likewise, our closet boasts a seasonal collection of business professional and casual attire, all conveniently labeled for ease of selection.

We’re delighted to showcase the DeGroote Pantry and Professional Closet at this year’s Wellbeing Fair on Thursday, May 30 from 10:30-11:30 in the RJC Atrium.

We invite you to swing by, explore its contents, and engage with us.

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