DeGroote Directory | Category - Site Degroote Main
Check out all the profiles related to Site Degroote Main on the DeGroote blog.

Dr. Sherman Cheung
Professor, Faculty, Finance and Business Economics

Dr. Candice Chow
Assistant Professor / Director of the Foresight Lab, Faculty, Strategic Management

Sandra Clark
Program Officer, MBA, Student Experience, MBA In-Course Programs

MaryLynn Cogliano
Program Administrator, Directors College, Executive Programs, The Directors College

Jessica Colangelo
Manager, Facilities & Administration, Central Administration, Facilities

Kate Coleman
Manager, Human Resources, Central Administration, Human Resources

Carolyn Colwell
MBA Academic Advisor, Student Experience, MBA In-Course Programs

Dr. Catherine Connelly
Professor / Business Research Chair / Director, McMaster Centre for Research on Employment and Work (MCREW), Faculty, Human Resources and Management