Dr. Prakash Abad

Professor Emeritus

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Operations Management


Dr. Abad research interests include inventory management, statistical data analysis, and non-linear and stochastic optimization. He teaches courses in operations research/management science, logistics, production/operations management and statistics both at the graduate and undergraduate level.



A Two Period Lot Sizing And Pricing Model For A Perishable/seasonal Item

Prakash Abad

Journal     2021

International Journal Of Services And Operations Management

Impact Of Inventory Cannibalisation On A Retailer Selling Substitutes

Elkafi Hassini    Chirag Surti    Prakash Abad

Journal     2018

International Journal Of Operational Research

Impact Of Inventory Cannibalisation On A Retailer Selling Substitutes

Chirag Surti    Prakash Abad    Elkafi Hassini

Journal     2018

International Journal Of Operational Research


Optimal Pricing And Lot Sizing For A Single Period Problem

Prakash Abad

Conference    2013

Lecture Notes In Engineering And Computer Science

Finding Pareto Optimal Solutions In A Supplier-buyer Channel

Prakash Abad