Dr. Berk Gorgulu

Assistant Professor

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Operations Management

Available to Supervise PhD

Operations Management


Berk Gorgulu is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the DeGroote School of Business. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto before joining McMaster. His research focuses on constructing data-driven, realistic models of healthcare operations and developing predictive and prescriptive analytics to support decision-making under uncertainty. His research methodologies include stochastic modeling and optimization, queueing theory, interpretable machine learning, and Markov decision processes. From a practical point of view, he has been collaborating with practitioners from different healthcare organizations to identify problems with real-world impact and develop implementable solutions.





Inventory Management With Advance Booking Information: The Case Of Surgical Supplies And Elective Surgeries

Jacky Chan    Berk Gorgulu    Vahid Sarhangian

Journal     2024

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Column Generation-based Prototype Learning For Optimizing Area Under The Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve

Erhan c Ozcan    Berk Gorgulu    Mustafa g Baydogan

Journal     2024

European Journal Of Operational Research

What Causes Delays In Admission To Rehabilitation Care? A Structural Estimation Approach

Jing Dong    Berk Gorgulu    Vahid Sarhangian

Journal     2024

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Association Between Delayed Discharge From Acute Care And Rehabilitation Outcomes And Length Of Stay: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Berk Gorgulu    Jing Dong    Karen Hunter    Krista m Bettio    Betty Vukusic    Jonathan Ranisau    Gary Spencer    Terence Tang    Vahid Sarhangian

Journal     2023

Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
