Dr. Maureen Hupfer

Associate Professor

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Health Policy And Management




Digital Storytelling: An Opportunity For Libraries To Engage And Lead The Community

    Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer

Journal     2016

Proceedings Of The Annual Conference Of Cais / Actes Du Congrès Annuel De L Acsi

Digital Storytelling And Memory Institutions: A Case Study Using Activity Theory

    Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer

Journal     2016

Proceedings Of The Association For Information Science And Technology

Information Quality And Community Municipal Portal Use

Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer    Umar Ruhi    Li Zhao

Journal     2013

Government Information Quarterly

Internal Factors Affecting The Adoption And Use Of Government Websites

Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer    Umar Ruhi

Journal     2010

Electronic Government An International Journal


Digital Storytelling: An Augmented Reality Approach For Historical Archives

    Daven Bigelow    Brian Detlor    Michael Egan    Calvin Hillis    Maureen Hupfer    Simon Ma    Rehan Theiveehathasan

Conference    2021

International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies

A Citizen-centric Framework For E-government Services Use

Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer    U Ruhi    L Zhao

Conference    2009

Proceedings Of 5th International Conference On E-government, Iceg 2009

Online Information Seeking: Understanding Individual Differences And Search Contexts

Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer    E Toms    V Trifts

Conference    2009

15th Americas Conference On Information Systems 2009, Amcis 2009

Successful Community Municipal Portal Diffusion: Internal Government Factors And Individual Perceptions

Brian Detlor    Maureen Hupfer    U Ruhi    L Zhao

Conference    2009

15th Americas Conference On Information Systems 2009, Amcis 2009