Dr. Erin Reid

Professor / Canada Research Chair in Work, Organizations and Careers-Tier II

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Human Resources And Management

Available to Supervise PhD

Human Resources and Management


Erin Reid (Ph.D. Harvard University) is the Canada Research Chair in Work, Careers and Organizations and a Professor of Human Resources and Management. She studies the connections between inequality, the careers people build, and the evolving design of work and organizations. One line of research focuses on reasons for the persistence of gender inequality in the professions; these studies examine the effects of discrimination as well as time norms. Other recent projects explore issues such as how professionals working in the gig economy build moral careers and craft relationships, and how workers and managers respond to the introduction of a living wage. Dr. Reid's field work has involved qualitative and mixed-method studies of a variety of lines of work, including consulting, STEM, journalism, education, and graphic design. Throughout her research, Dr. Reid pays careful attention to structural mechanisms of inequality, and people's strategies for success. The goals of her research are two-fold: to help people build satisfying careers, and to help employers build inclusive workplaces. Dr. Reid draws on organizational and sociological theories, and uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews and surveys. Her research is published in top management journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, and Academy of Management Review. She also writes regularly for non-academic audiences, in outlets such as Harvard Business Review and The Conversation. Dr. Reid's work is funded by SSHRC and the Government of Ontario's Early Researcher Awards program and has won multiple professional awards. She leads the Careers and Inequality Lab at McMaster, and is a founding member of the cross-university Gig Work Life Lab. She was selected by McMaster as a University Scholar (2020-2024), has been recognized as one of the world’s top 40 business school professors under the age of 40, and was listed as a Radar Thinker by Thinkers50. Her work has been profiled in media outlets, including the New York Times, Globe and Mail, The Atlantic and Fast Company. Dr. Reid is active in the professional community. She is an Associate Editor at Administrative Science Quarterly and serves on the editorial board of Organization Science and Academy of Management Review. She has previously served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations and the Journal of Business and Psychology. Dr. Reid teaches in DeGroote’s undergraduate, MBA, executive, and PhD programs and works regularly with graduate students. She has spoken about her research to a variety of academic and executive audiences. She has three busy sons, and has deep familiarity with Ontario's hockey arenas, libraries, track centers as well as the challenges and joys of swim lesson registration.






The Crisis Of Care: A Curated Discussion

Lotte Bailyn    Julia b Bear    Christine m Beckman    Inga Carboni    Judith Clair    Ans De vos    Gina Dokko    Joyce k Fletcher    Douglas t tim Hall    Brad Harrington    Claudia Goldin    Erin l Kelly    Ellen ernst Kossek    Meg Lovejoy    Melissa Mazmanian    Lakshmi Ramarajan    Erin Reid    Nancy p Rothbard    Pamela Stone    Njoke Thomas    Beatrice ijm Van der heijden    Steffanie Wilk    Sarah Wittman

Journal     2025

Journal Of Management Inquiry

A Theory Of Time-based Discrimination In Evaluation

Chia-jung Tsay    Curtis kwinyen Chan    Erin Reid

Journal     2024

Academy Of Management Proceedings

With Or Without You: Family And Career?work In A Demanding And Precarious Profession

Erin Reid    Farnaz Ghaedipour    Otilia Obodaru

Journal     2024

Journal Of Management Studies

Multiple Case Study Of Processes Used By Hospitals To Select Performance Indicators: Do They Align With Best Practices?

Michael a Heenan    Glen Randall    Jenna Evans    Erin Reid

Journal     2024

International Journal For Quality In Health Care


Doing Gender

Erin Reid


Passing As Superman: The Ideal Worker And Men's Professional Identities

Erin Reid    La Toombs

Conference    2011

Best Paper Proceedings