Dr. Nicole Wagner

Assistant Professor / Director, eHealth Graduate Program

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Information Systems


Dr. Nicole Wagner is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. She holds a PhD in Information Systems, an MBA specialized in eCommerce, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. Her research interests relate to how individual differences, such as age, influence technology use and adoption. Nicole is also the Director of McMaster University’s MSc eHealth Program, a unique interdisciplinary program offered jointly by the Faculties of Business, Engineering, and Health Sciences. She teaches a variety of courses for MBA and MSc eHealth students including Project Management and Information Systems in Business.




The Impact Of Age On Website Usability

Khaled s Hassanein    Milena Head    Nicole Wagner

Journal     2014

Computers In Human Behavior

Computer Use By Older Adults: A Multi-disciplinary Review

Khaled s Hassanein    Milena Head    Nicole Wagner

Journal     2010

Computers In Human Behavior


Computer Interaction For Older Users: A Literature Review.

Khaled s Hassanein    Milena Head    Nicole Wagner