Dr. Manaf Zargoush

Associate Professor / Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Accreditation

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Health Policy And Management

Available to Supervise PhD

Health Policy and Management


Dr. Manaf Zargoush is an associate professor of Health Policy & Management at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. He holds a Ph.D. in Healthcare Operations and Information Management (McGill University, Montreal, Canada), a Ph.D. in Decision Science and Statistics (ESSEC Business School, Paris, France), M.Phil. in Decision Sciences(ESSEC Business School, Paris, France), M.Sc. in Socio-Economic Systems Engineering (Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran), and B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Jundi-Shapoor University, Ahvaz, Iran). His main areas of research expertise and interests include using Data Science (machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistical modeling) for descriptive and predictive analytics and optimization (stochastic dynamic optimization, Markov and Semi-Markov Decision Processes, Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes) for prescriptive analytics of a wide range of health-related problems, such as medical decision-making, and healthcare operations management. His current main projects are chronic disease (particularly hypertension and diabetes) management and aging research (e.g., ALC in Canada and predicting the trajectory of disabilities among older adults). He is also interested in physicians' learning in uncertain environments as well as causal analytics using machine learning and big data.






Setting The Balance Of Care For Older Adults At Risk Of Hospitalization And Delayed Discharge: A Mixed-methods Research Protocol

Kerry Kuluski    Danielle Jacobson    Somayeh Ghazalbash    Junhee Baek    Laura Rosella    Elizabeth Mansfield    Abhimanyu Sud    Terence Tang    Sara jt Guilcher    Manaf Zargoush

Journal     2024

Plos One

Editorial: Management Science For Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, And Response

Hrayer Aprahamian    Vedat Verter    Manaf Zargoush

Journal     2024

Health Care Management Science

Elderly Care Facility Location In The Face Of The Climate Crisis: A Case Study In Canada

Mahsa madani Hosseini    Saeed Beheshti    Jafar Heydari    Maryam Zangiabadi    Manaf Zargoush

Journal     2024

International Journal Of Disaster Risk Reduction


A Data-driven Analytical Model For Predicting Functional Loss And Recovery Among Older Adults

Mm Hosseini    Manaf Zargoush    F Alem

Conference    2019

Proceedings Of The International Conference On Industrial Engineering And Operations Management

Causal Risk Analysis; Revisiting The Vioxx Study

A Zargoush    Manaf Zargoush    Y Yih


Identifying Predictors Of Covid-19 And Associated Risk Factors In Long-term Care And Retirement Homes Using Facility Administrative Data

Andrew Costa    Manaf Zargoush    Ahmad Von schlegell