Dr. Yun Zhou

Associate Professor

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Operations Management

Available to Supervise PhD

Operations Management


Yun Zhou obtained his PhD from Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. He is interested in revenue management, supply chain management, and healthcare operations management. Most recently, Yun’s research focuses on pricing and matching problems in the sharing economy. His research work has appeared in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, Operations Research Letters, European Journal of Operational Research. He previously earned a B.Sc. in Information & Computing Science, as well as a doctorate in Industrial Engineering, from Tsinghua University.





Improving Order Picking Efficiency Through Storage Assignment Optimization In Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems

Elkafi Hassini    Xiangpei Hu    Yufei Yuan    Yun Zhou    Yanling Zhuang

Journal     2024

European Journal Of Operational Research

Impact Of Promotion Design On Retail Operating Performance: Evidence From Chinese Chain Retailers

Jiayu Tang    Xin Tian    Yun Zhou

Journal     2024

Electronic Commerce Research

Cross- Vs. In-region Courier Routing In On-demand Delivery

Arseniy Gorbushin    Ming Hu    Yun Zhou


Partial Or Full Doses First? Vaccine Allocation Under Limited Supply

Ming Hu    Chaoyu Zhang    Yun Zhou