Disclaimer: This update is accurate as of the publication date – July 22, 2021. For latest information on McMaster’s vaccination mandate, please visit Back to Mac.
Dear students, staff, and faculty,
With strong vaccination rates across the province and a more favourable fall 2021 outlook from public health experts, McMaster is adapting its plans for fall term. Please see the University’s latest statement on fall planning here.
With these shifts, the DeGroote School of Business is adapting our fall plans to include even more in-person activities and services while continuing to focus on our community’s health and safety. Over the next few weeks, we will work toward a gradual return to campus for students, staff, and faculty that prioritizes student experiences, celebrates the vibrancy of DeGroote’s on-campus community, and advances our academic mission.
What this means for you:
- Online (asynchronous) courses will proceed as planned for those registered in them.
- Similarly, virtual (synchronous) courses will proceed as planned for those registered.
- In-person courses will no longer require social distancing, allowing for additional in-person components in some cases.
- We are planning for more in-person student activities and student services, including those offered by the Student Experience team. Virtual options will continue to be available to ensure student needs are met.
- Libraries, gyms, food services and other campus amenities will be available.
- In accordance with public health guidance, McMaster is preparing for a fall term without distancing requirements. Masks will be required indoors and made available for anyone who needs them. Look for more details about where to pick up masks in the weeks ahead.
- Health and safety measures such as increased cleaning and sanitizing, ventilation upgrades, and the addition of more outdoor seating areas will continue as planned. See more information here.
- Vaccinations are not required, but strongly encouraged. Of those who responded to a recent survey, 94% of McMaster students and 97% of students in residence indicate they intend to receive at least one vaccination. (Update: McMaster’s updated, mandatory, Vaccination Policy is available here and information on vaccination mandate is available on Back to Mac.)
Expect more information in the weeks to come.
I hope you will all join me in entering this transitional period with some optimism and excitement. And that you will add your voice to mine in thanking those members of our community who continued to provide essential services on campus throughout the pandemic. As we have done throughout this period, DeGroote will be prepared to respond as needed to changes in public health guidelines over the next few months.
While the past year has brought us unexpected challenges, I think that we can look forward to brighter days ahead.
Please visit McMaster’s Back to Mac website for more information about preparations for the fall, including upcoming town halls for students as well as staff and faculty. As we move through this next phase, we will continue to engage the DeGroote community.
Dr. Khaled Hassanein
Dean, DeGroote School of Business