
Archives: Articles

News, research, and other announcements.

Truck carrying pipes
October 22, 2020

Smart Freight Centre research partnership receives major funding award

DeGroote professor Elkafi Hassini and colleagues from U of T and York U receive $3.1M to study the community impact of home delivery.

Knowledge Lab with Rick Hackett
October 20, 2020

Knowledge Labs: In the Know with Rick Hackett

This week's In the Know: Professor Rick Hackett speaks about the moral models of leadership.

Medical technology
October 16, 2020

How the eHealth program put Kieran Kwok on the leading edge of health care innovation

eHealth graduate Kieran Kwok predicts that digital technologies will help build resilient health care systems after the pandemic.

Tal Dehtiar headshot
October 9, 2020

Oliberté pivots from manufacturing shoes to masks

Alumnus Tal Dehtiar's (MBA'04) entrepreneurial journey from manufacturing shoes to masks during COVID-19 times.

Two women doing an elbow shake with masks on
October 8, 2020

Commerce 4BB3: Examining employment challenges facing Black Canadians

DeGroote’s fourth-year Recruitment and Selection course educates students about the role of bias in staffing practices.

Hospital quarantining COVID-19 patient
October 7, 2020

Data-driven pandemic solutions for hospitals

Using data to find ways to help maxed-out hospitals and patients cope with the pandemic and other crises.

In the know with Chris Ling
October 6, 2020

Knowledge Labs: In the Know with Chris Ling

This week's In the Know: Assistant Professor Chris Ling talks about shifting social responsibility of brands.

MacTalks Banner
October 2, 2020

Nobel laureates on why the Nobel Prize matters: A MacTalks discussion

Mac grads and Nobel laureates Myron Scholes and Donna Strickland in conversation at MacTalks event: Why the Nobel Prize Matters.

Gordon Pitts
September 28, 2020

Unicorn in the Woods

A book about today’s regional tech titans who have the same commitment to growing local businesses with global reach.

Woman wearing mask at airport
September 25, 2020

Using AI to protect air passengers in a pandemic

How do you know if it’s safe to fly? Using AI to minimize the risk of spreading disease in airplanes and airports.

Thumbnail Image of the McLean Centre
September 23, 2020

Your First Look at the Marinucci Entrepreneurial Studio

The new Marinucci Entrepreneurial Studio in the McLean Centre for Collaborative Discovery is investing in the future of DeGroote students.

Business with no mask no entry sign
September 22, 2020

Two DeGroote researchers receive funding from SSHRC to study COVID-19

McMaster researchers receive SSHRC funding to study economic and labour impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.