Entrance of the brick DeGroote School of Business building at McMaster University.

Meet DeGroote’s leaders

Entrance of the brick DeGroote School of Business building at McMaster University.

Letter from the dean

As a business school, it is imperative that we stand at the forefront of change. We can no longer watch the world evolve in front of us without taking action to ensure our students are being exposed to the research, knowledge, skills and values needed to take them beyond the classroom.

To help shape a better tomorrow, we are focusing on digital transformation, entrepreneurship, health innovation and sustainability. As a top-tier business school in Canada, this should be the expectation, not the exception.

We are investing in experiential learning and taking new leaps forward in the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence so our graduates are even better prepared for evolving business landscapes.

At the DeGroote School of Business, our vision is to open minds, transform lives, build sustainable communities and contribute to positive change in business and society.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.


Khaled Hassanein's signature.

Khaled Hassanein
Dean, DeGroote School of Business


Dr. Khaled Hassanein

Professor / Dean, DeGroote School of Business
Faculty, Information Systems


Associate Deans

Dr. Elkafi Hassini

Professor / Associate Dean, Research
Faculty, Operations Management


Dr. Aaron Schat

Associate Professor / Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty, Human Resources and Management


Dr. Manish Verma

Professor / Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Faculty, Operations Management


Dr. Manaf Zargoush

Associate Professor / Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Accreditation
Faculty, Health Policy and Management


DeGroote Decanal

Dave Mammoliti Director, Executive Programs, Executive Programs

Dr. Dave Mammoliti

Director, Executive Programs
Executive Programs


Kellie Rabak Director, Marketing & Communications, Marketing and Communications

Kellie Rabak

Director, Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications


L'naya Russell Director, Finance & Administration, Central Administration, Finance

L'naya Russell

Director, Finance & Administration
Central Administration, Dean's Office


Randy Walinga Director, Information Technology Services and Teaching & Learning Services, Information Technology Services

Randy Walinga

Director, IT and Teaching & Learning Services
Information Technology Services
