
Tag: greensuits

News, research, and other announcements.

June 5, 2024

Planting Sustainability: Commerce Greensuits Help Restore McMaster Biodiversity

The Commerce Greensuits, in collaboration with Nature at McMaster, work to restore the natural ecosystem on campus.

Group shot for the Go Green Tree Planting Event
May 19, 2023

Restoring Biodiversity: Greensuits Commerce Students Give Back to Nature at McMaster

DeGroote Commerce students joined forces with Nature at McMaster to remove invasive species and plant native species on campus.

September 12, 2022

DeGroote Wins 2022 Faculty Cup!

During Welcome Week the DeGroote School of Business took home the 2022 Faculty Cup!

Greensuit representatives holding welcome home sign
September 10, 2019

This is the DeGroote Experience: Welcome Week 2019

During Welcome Week, Greensuits have a simple mandate: support first-year students in any way they can and always put “first years first”.