Maximizing Your Tax Benefits For Students With Disabilities

January 30, 2024

Contributed by: Bani Rafeh

Did you know that the government provides various grants and tax benefits for persons with disabilities? The purpose of these benefits is to offset the cost of impairments and provide persons with disabilities with long term savings opportunities for their future. Attend this workshop to learn more about the disability tax credit, caregiver deduction, eligible medical and disability supports deduction, home accessibility grant, and the Registered Disability Savings Plan and Canada Disability Bond. Parents/guardians are most welcome to attend.


  • Tuesday, February 6
  • Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
  • Location: GH 110
  • Register on OSCARplus. Registration is kindly required.

A pizza dinner will be served – please arrive early.

If you have an accommodation need for an event/planned meeting, please email sscevent@mcmaster.ca. Should you require any materials sent in an alternate/accessible format, please advise.

This event is brought to you by Mac’s Money Centre.

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