Faculty, Human Resources And Management
Human Resources and Management
Yair Berson (Ph.D. SUNY Binghamton) is the future director of the DeGroote Leadership Centre. His research helps demonstrate how leaders’ characteristics (e.g., values) and actions (e.g., visionary style) affect followers, organizational processes, and outcomes. Using diverse methods, from micro biological and psychological processes to more macro predictors, his research provides insights into the synchronizing effects of leaders and the extent to which they become reflected in the groups and organizations they lead. Dr. Berson's work has been published in leading venues both in management and general psychology, such as Academy of Management Annals, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Psychological Science, OBHDP, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and The Leadership Quarterly. He is a coauthor and coeditor of two books and serves on the board of Personnel Psychology, The Leadership Quarterly, and is an associate editor of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. He recently became Program Chair of the newly instituted Neuroscience Interest Group of the Academy of Management.
Chen Erez Yair Berson Florence Jauvin Alon Burns Imogen Weigall
Academy Of Management Proceedings
Nir Milstein David a Waldman Yair Berson Song Zhaoli Lara Engelbert Danni Wang
Academy Of Management Proceedings
Teodora k tomova Shakur Michael s North Yair Berson Shaul Oreg
Personnel Psychology
Adam m Kleinbaum Nir Milstein Alon Burns Stefan Volk Yair Berson
Academy Of Management Proceedings
Israel Katz Galit Eilam-shamir Ronit Kark Yair Berson
Yair Berson Ronit Kark Galit Eilam-shamir Israel Katz
Bruce j Avolio John j Sosik Yair Berson
Yair Berson Bruce j Avolio Surinder Kahai