Dr. Ruhai Wu

Associate Professor

Department / Academic Area

Faculty, Marketing

Available to Supervise PhD



Ruhai Wu is a tenured associate professor in marketing at DeGroote School of Business. He received Bachelor and Master of Finance from Tsinghua University, China, and Master and Ph.D. of Economics from University of Texas at Austin. His research expertise is in industrial and retail marketing strategies including pricing, advertising, channel relationship, online customer relationship management, and platform management. In his recent research projects, Dr. Wu uses game theoretical models and empirical methods to study platforms’ pricing and management strategies in sharing economies, location-based price competition in mobile marketing, and WOMs manipulation in social commerce. His research has been published in top journals in Marketing, Information System, and Operation Management. He has received multiple competitive research grants from prestigious granting agencies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). His teaching interests are closely aligned with his research interests. He teaches Marketing Management, Digital Marketing, and Marketing Research Methodology at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He regularly supervises doctoral students.




Channel Governance Through Brand Equity

Manish Kacker    Mohammad Kayed    Farhad Sadeh    Ruhai Wu


Buyer Preferences For Auction Pricing Rules In Online Outsourcing Markets: Fixed Price Vs. Open Price

Kunxiang Dong    Zhijuan Hong    Yan Sun    Ruhai Wu

Journal     2020

Electronic Markets

Production Cost Heterogeneity In The Circular City Model

Mei Lin    Ruhai Wu

Journal     2015

Operations Research Letters


Platform Pricing In The Presence Of Cross-platform Network Effects

Z Ji    Ruhai Wu

Conference    2024

Proceedings Of The Annual Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences

Channel Governance Through Brand Equity

Manish Kacker    Mohammad Kayed    Farhad Sadeh    Ruhai Wu


Channel Governance Through Brand Equity: How Brand Equity Shapes Distribution Channel Structure

Manish Kacker    Mohammad b Kayed    Lee-chin family institute for strategic business studies Michael    Farhad Sadeh    Ruhai Wu


Management Response To Online Customer Reviews In Distribution Channel: A Perspective Of Manufacturers

D Li    H Wang    Ruhai Wu

Conference    2019

Proceedings Of The Annual Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences