An Evening of Accolades 2023 | Celebrating Alumni Excellence
May 26, 2023 ·
Contributed by: Joanna Williams, Marketing and Communications Strategist

The DeGroote community celebrated the 2023 recipient of the Wayne C. Fox Distinguished Alumni Award on May 23, 2023. This award celebrates outstanding alumni whose personal accomplishments, reputation, and character have enhanced the reputation of the DeGroote School of Business and McMaster University. This year DeGroote recognized Indrani Butany, BSc ’96, MBA ’00.
Butany is President and CEO of Elexicon Energy Inc., she is an energy expert, business strategist, influencer, diversity champion, and a community volunteer. Congratulations Indrani!

Susan Tighe, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, delivers remarks on behalf of McMaster University.

Past Wayne C. Fox Distinguished Alumni Award recipients (from left to right): Paul Allison, MBA ’81 (2014); Paul McLean, MBA ’81 (2022); Wayne C. Fox, MBA ’73 (2000); Claire Gillies, MBA ’01 (2021); Indrani Butany, MBA ’00 (2023); Khaled Hassanein, Dean, DeGroote School of Business; Quentin Broad, MBA ’88 (2020); David Feather, MBA ‘89 (2007); and David Williamson, BCom ’83 (2012).

A special thank you to the corporate guests in attendance at Accolades: Alectra Utilities, Deloitte, Electricity Distributors Association (EDA), Elexicon Energy, Ontario Energy Association (OEA), McMaster University Engineering, Oakville Enterprises Corporation (OEC), Power Advisory, Sussex, and Utilis.