Day in the Life with Megha Tretha (November)
November 4, 2020 ·
Contributed by: Megha Tretha, MBA Candidate

How are you coping with virtual education?
Like many other students, I had not planned on taking my courses online. Nonetheless, I have found that it is totally doable and fun once you get organized. Your schedule is less strict with online classes, and you spend less time running to and from classes as you would typically do on campus. For me, breakfast has also become an increasingly important part of my life because it keeps me filled and focused for the rest of the day. Every day, I check to see what I have to do by looking at my planner. Usually, I’ll start with my online job, then I’ll attend my daily classes. I use my planner to stay up to date with my assignments and the course schedules. I use checklists to make sure I get everything done, and I take pride in checking each item off. After finishing my daily classes and assignments, I like to go for a walk outside, so I am rejuvenated and ready for the next day.
What advice do you have for other MBA students who are studying virtually during the pandemic?
The most curious parts of COVID-19 are the uncertainties about the virus. No matter how many resources you check, you may not get the answers to your most pressing questions. As a student, we have to be more understanding of ourselves and what we can achieve. You can indeed be a multi-tasker, but right now, you don’t have to be. You must realize that if taking on many tasks affects your mental health in any way, I recommend that you pause and create a plan so you have time for everything.
It is important to be more empathetic towards people. It is also crucial that you take breaks between your classes and engage in activities that de-stress you.
For example, when I get stressed, I like to clean! I recommend that you find your ‘de-stressor’ and start working on it. Even if we are in hard times, we need to take care of our mental, physical, and social health. Keep trying to talk to your friends, watch a movie if you are feeling down, and ensure that you are staying healthy. Remember that, this too, shall pass.
Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your view of business? How so?
Yes, COVID-19 has definitely changed my view of business. For small businesses, they have been impacted tremendously. During the first few months of the pandemic, they were almost shut down, and their sales were heavily impacted. After reopening, they have become more adaptive by utilizing online platforms and giving special offers to customers. I anticipate that it will take some time to get back to where they were at the beginning of the pandemic. The way big businesses have shifted and have increased their digital interaction with their customers is incredible. For example, many customers were concerned with how they would shop during the pandemic at grocery stores. However, the stores ensured that the supply remained consistent, and the customers were their priority. From my perspective, I am someone who likes to feel a product in my hands before buying it. Since the pandemic started, my perception has changed, as I now do most of my shopping online. As a consumer, I have become more adaptive, and I am now comfortable buying products without seeing it in person first.